Florence the Flower Lady!!

Created by chinwe 2 years ago

That I am settled in this country and working is all thanks to you Florence!! I had job hunted many months and it was only a conservation with you after adoration to Mother of Perpetual Help and flowering the Tabernacle that you changed my life. You led me to the stream of clean water by introducing me to NHS which I felt I was not qualified but you shared your CV with me which so many people will not do, you held my hand through the journey until I finally got a job in NHS. I could remember the excitement in me and the joy you had for me the first day I got my wages I felt like tithing all to you but in your usual self you will always say "All Thanks to God"

You are a devout woman, you have deep devotion to God and Our Blessed Mother that you flower them weekly with beautiful flowers at your expense even though you did not have enough, you will only bring out your travel money for the week and spend the rest on beautifying the Altar. Even when we encouraged you to use artificial flowers you declined it saying that God deserves more than artificial flower. Life flowers according to you is a symbol of the beauty of God who is forever present in the Blessed Sacrament!! 

We had so may memories together from time we spend together in Adoration to Our Lady of Perpetual Help every Saturday, to decorating the altar with flowers weekly, annual trip to Westminster Cathedral for Marian pilgrimage etc

Florence you are a woman of Faith, never giving up hope in God having stayed with you on your last few weeks gave me a deeper knowledge on how to trust God even in pain because you trusted God that this will not end in "death", you were thankful for each day that comes, your greatest thanksgiving was for God to spare your life till Easter so you will thank him specially with beautiful flowers at the altar which the Lord granted you. 

Easter in St Pauls is always glorious and ceremonial with the altar beautifully decorated with flowers, as soon as the Gloria bell goes, Florence and her crew will ceremoniously add life to the altar with flowers, all thanks to Florence who would have spent her money and time to give our Lord the best!! Even on your sick bed on the 16th April Holy Saturday you placed a call to Uju to check up on how she is doing with the flowers for Holy night!!

Florence you are not dead but have gone to special Flower market for the Lord as you have exhausted all beauty on earth!!

As long as there are flowers at the Tabernacle and Mother Mary's statue in St Pauls and St Joseph there Florence is for she lives on!!!

Thank you for our friendship!! Thank God for giving me opportunity to hold your hands while you were sick as you held mine when I was in need.

Florence you are not dead!!! Love you always! 
